
August 2023

DreadLock- Bodmin

Witch Way Out

If you are visiting Cornwall then we say make this a must for a not too taxing but thoroughly enjoyable escape room experience. The owners and hosts are enthusiastic about their product and should be proud of what they have achieved. Yes the rooms will not challenge escape room enthusiasts and professionals but all of our team came away from the day at DreadLock saying the same thing, we all loved all 3 rooms and it is very rare to come across a company that we all enjoyed every room. 

August 2023

DreadLock- Bodmin


This room was definitely more challenging than the previous room we had just completed, Let the Games Begin. We all really enjoyed this game thoroughly and had a great time, even though we were in detention. The owners rightly market towards families being based on a holiday park but the games we had done up until this point at DreadLock, were enjoyable and did challenge us. A cracking venue with people that genuinely want you to have a nice time and to obviously escape.

August 2023

DreadLock- Bodmin

Let The Games Begin

This room will certainly challenge professional teams and most enthusiast teams in terms of difficulty. In saying that, one puzzle that we couldn’t solve took a big chunk of our time and made it a bit close to the finish time, then it probably should have been. However, we all really enjoyed the simplicity of the room and it was an hour of fun. We didn’t quite manage to solve the extra puzzle and missed out on some Harribo. If you are visiting Cornwall then all 3 rooms at Dreadlock are definitely worth a go and this will be the easier of the 3 to take on.

Bovey Tracey

January 2022

Escape the Game-Bovey Tracey

Escape By The Bell

Escape By The Bell is most definitely aimed at entry level teams and children. The puzzles themselves did not really trouble us at any point but the sheer amount of padlocks you need to try any given code is something that we think anyone can do. Whilst we did enjoy the difference of a complete padlock room, as we have matured as a team, it just wasn’t challenging enough for us. Give it go if you want to get into escape rooms or you have house full of children you want to entertain, we would no recommend this for any serious escape room teams.


March 2022

Logic Box Escapes

The Mystery of Loke Lake (Closed)

We really enjoyed visiting Logic Box for the third time and being warmly welcomed once again by Tom. This room was really enjoyable and Al the team played their part in getting us out. The room flowed well and the puzzles were nice and challenging without us having to pull our hair out. The room is good for most escape room fans due to the types of puzzles included, with an added spooky element to it. We are looking forward to coming back when Tom has put his stamp on the place as he has so much space here for the future and we look forward to supporting him

November 2021

Logic Box Escape Rooms

Santa and The Missing Pocket Watch (Closed)

This is the second game we have completed at Logic Box (previously completed The Portland Heist) and it was a nice seasonal experience that both work parties and families will love. The design and flow of the game was something we all really enjoyed and we definitely be back to complete Loke Lake when it’s put back after Christmas. 

Do keep an eye out on Logic Box, they have a lot of space for many more rooms and after speaking to Tom, it is clear he has some big plans for the space!

October 2021

Logic Box Escape Rooms

The Portland Heist (Closed)

We really enjoy visiting Logic Box and being warmly welcomed by Tom. This room was one of our favourites that we have done, it flowed well and it looked fresh and new. The puzzles were nice and challenging without us having to pull our hair out. The added bonus of the mini games throughout gave it a different dimension, which we all enjoyed. We are looking forward to coming back to try Loch Lake which has been recently refreshed. Tom has so much space here for the future and we continue to support him.

October 2021

Escape Rooms Middlemoor

Sweeny Todd

You can see that Reece has put so much into all 3 rooms at Middlemoor and we probably built this room up in our heads due to us enjoying the previous 2 but we did leave this one feeling a little flat even though we had escaped. The lighting really did put us off for the first half of the game until we all met for the second half where the lighting was better and again to mention the ending, just didn’t live up to our expectations.

In saying that, it is still a room worth trying if you around this part of the world as all 3 games in a little cluster are good fun and Reece really is a lovely host.

August 2021

Escape Rooms Middlemoor


For a first escape room, we really did enjoy it even though we did not escape. You can see that Reece has put so much into the room and has plans to enhance the other rooms he has. We left the room feeling frustrated as we struggled at times with searching for a lot of items but again I feel this due to it being our first room and a new team.

We enjoyed our first visit to Escape Rooms Middlemoor and has made us go back to complete the set. Definitely give it a go but remember to SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH.

June 2020

Escape Rooms Middlemoor

Peaky Blinders

You can see that Reece has put so much into the room as he has his others. We left the room feeling satisfied that we had completed it and we enjoyed the journey throughout.

We enjoyed our second visit to Escape Rooms Middlemoor and this room is definitely more suited for beginners and enthusiasts rather that expert teams as it might not float your boat. Worth a visit 


July 2023

Escape Hunt- Exeter

The Fourth Samurai

We have wanted to try out Escape Hunt for a while after other escape room owners have suggested we give this particle room a try. We would say the room was fun for novices and probably enthusiasts but for pro’s it might be a bit too sluggish and not overly challenging. The company is there to obviously make money but the churning over of customers and lack of customer interaction wasn’t really for us and this showed in the hosting. One to try and we would probably come back to try the other rooms as it was a decent room but there are better out there, particularly in Exeter.

July 2023

Prodigy Escape

The Lost Temple

The Lost Temple is certainly one of the better games we have taken on. Being invited back to try the room by the owners was unexpected but a really nice gesture and Dan even showed us behind the scenes and the making and design of the room. Even without the behind the scenes tour, you can tell that this room has had an awful amount of attention to detail and effort put into it. We can’t wait to try out future ideas that Prodigy are cooking up and they are must if you are visiting Devon.

January 2023

Prodigy Escape

The Haunting of Mount Clifton Manor

The puzzles were impressive and kept us all on our toes. This added with the ambience of the room made for a really enjoyable time at Prodigy. As mentioned previously, the one puzzle really did frustrate us and left us feeling a little deflated. However, it is clear that the owners are really keen to progress the site and are currently in the process of building another new room, which we will try it out for sure. 

July 2022

Red House Mysteries Exeter

The Danzinger Experience

Although we escaped, we all agreed afterwards that we didn’t really enjoy this room too much. Webster that was because we were separated for half of it, again mainly my doing, but we didn’t quick get into the game. The ending did slightly ruin it for us as we thought we had escaped but had to speak to Angel about it over the radio and it was a bit of duff ending. The mag lock not working at the beginning for me wasn’t a major issue but just didn’t start things off great. The game isn’t that tricky at all and doesn’t require a lot of thinking and we over complicated a lot of it. We did enjoy the Torquay rooms more than the Danziger and we don’t know whether we will rush back to complete the other room in Exeter but it was an easy game to get into and we have certainly done worse.

Worth doing if you are in the area but not our favourite and do the Torquay rooms, especially the last train to Paris!!


December 2022

Excape Exmouth

The Vault

We managed to escape with plenty of time and we all left saying that this was the best room we had done. We all really enjoyed the story and the room set top is fantastic. Dan and Helen have put a lot work into this room and it really shows. The game flowed so easy and even though some of the puzzles were quite tricky, we knew what we were looking for to get us there. The beginning and ending of the game are different from other experiences we have had and were enjoyable for us. If you visit Exmouth then you really must try this room. Yes we escaped with a bit of time left but this didn’t hamper our experience at all of this brilliant room.

December 2022

Excape Exmouth

The Game's Afoot

We managed to escape with plenty of time in this room and the beginning was a nice different twist to start a game and set the tone. We let ourselves down with one part that we needed help on but this didn’t ruin the experience of the game. As mentioned; the room is a bit old now and compared to the other 2 rooms at Excape, this one could probably do with an update at some point as the other rooms are that good and fresh. It’s nice that a room isn’t littered with padlocks and gave us something else to think about throughout the time.

Excape is a brilliant little place and the owners are lovely and welcoming and we will certainly be back when there are more rooms to do.

May 2021

Excape Exmouth

E=MC Scared

Although we didn’t escape, only our second ever fail, we all agreed afterwards that this was a really good fun room and we did enjoy ourselves. Again, the beginning was strange and was frustrating but the theme of the main room and the puzzles made it a really enjoyable room and we were glad we attempted it. The puzzles and props are good and the science theme was the first one of it’s kind that we had tried and we did enjoy it. This room is definitely worth a try if you are in the South Devon area and although there is a lot to chose from, E=MC Scared at Excape is worth the trip to Exmouth. 

Newton Abbot

February 2024

Devon Escape

D-Day for Devon

D Day for Devon is certainly up there with Death on Dartmoor as our favourites at Devon Escape. The puzzles were right up our street and the ending was really enjoyable. We can’t wait to see what Dan and Lisa have in store for the venue as time goes on with their hugely successful rooms at Prodigy. If you are in the area, do pop in and try all 3 rooms, they are certainly with it. 

February 2022

Devon Escape

Professor Enright's Enigma

Although we escaped, just, we really did think for a huge chunk of this game that we wouldn’t complete it due to either the complexity or our poor form in the day? We all spoke afterwards and we all agreed that we didn’t seem to enjoy it for some reason. The game didn’t really flow and although the concept was quite simple, the puzzles just felt quite random in some parts. We are glad that we did Death On Dartmoor previously because if this was the first room we had done at Devon Escape, we might not have come back.

Worth doing if you are in the area but not our favourite and do Death On Dartmoor!! 

January 2022

Devon Escape

Death on Dartmoor

We can’t believe we haven’t visited Devon Escape before and we will definitely be back. There are 2 other games where Emma explained they are both linked with the story but have very different types of puzzles in each. Professor Enigma is due to shut in March 2022 so we will come back and try it before it is revamped. We really enjoyed Death On Dartmoor and this game is easily in our top 3 that we have done.

Even though Devon Escape is tucked away in the South West, for any team based down this way of the world or if you are visiting on holiday, make sure you come here!!


September 2023

Trapped Escape Room- Okehampton

Bletchy Blueprints

The three reviews we have written for Trapped have been extremely difficult to write. They are some of the best designed rooms we have taken on and the puzzles are very challenging, especially with no padlocks! We give Dan a lot of credit for creating a cracking set of rooms. However, we just didn’t get on with him. We never got our team photo sent to us after the day, not even uploaded on his Facebook page to show how we had done throughout the day. It is us being picky but the little details do add up and when there are so many phenomenal hosts locally that we really do get on well with, it just felt strange that Dan wasn’t that welcoming with us. He might have been having a bad day? To summarise, if want to challenge yourself, visit Trapped, 3 great rooms that are the hardest we have done.

September 2023

Trapped Escape Room- Okehampton


As the day went on at Trapped, we just felt our rapport with the GM wasn’t flowing as well as perhaps it should. We felt the Dan was annoyed with us being there and when we didn’t escape Templar, running out of time on the last puzzle, Dan gladly walked us back round the whole room, showing us all the things we had missed (which was nice). Templars is a very challenging room and we only missed out by a minute or two and we would have had another success on our hands but writing this review and others to follow for Trapped has proven really difficult because the design and puzzles of Templars was brilliant and is a must to try if you are serious escape room goers. 

September 2023

Trapped Escape Room- Okehampton

The Deeds

The Deeds was the most enjoyable room of all of the rooms that we had completed on the day at trapped. Once we had escaped the room in time, it did appear strange that Dan walked us back through the room to show us what we didn’t do well and what we had missed. We were elated at escaping the first room in what was going to be a very challenging 3 rooms and being walked back through telling us what we didn’t do well made us feel like school children that weren’t get getting the subject. We weren’t given a time of completion, a congratulations for escaping or given a completion badge (that Dan was wearing) to add to our collection. These little things are certainly not the end of the world but it’s the little things you remember. 

Writing this reviews and others to follow for Trapped has proven really difficult because the design and puzzles of The Deeds was brilliant and is a must to try. We don’t think we gelled 100% with Dan throughout the day and there is more evidence of this over the next 2 rooms.


June 2024

Escapism Plymouth


We absolutely love visiting all of the team at Escapism and seeing what Joe and Lauren have up their sleeve each time something new comes along. Accused is another great addition to an already impressive collection of games. We flowed through the puzzles quite nicely apart from one hiccup but with the difficulty rating being a 4 on their website, we would probably agree with that if you are new to escape rooms. We will continue to keep a close eye on Escapism and please do visit them if you are in the South West, you won’t regret it.

December 2023

Escapism Plymouth

Santa's List(Seasonal)

The whole team at Escapism are friendly and welcoming and on each of the three occasions we have visited, we have always been greatly with big smiles and ask how we have been. We often share tips on where to try next. The owners have done a brilliant job in creating some very immersive games and we hope there is more on the horizon from them. We have ways said that if we all came out of a room saying how much we enjoyed it and that we all brought something to the table, we would give it 5/5. Santa’s list is obviously a seasonal room and although it isn’t the most challenging, we really did enjoy ourselves and the room was brilliant. Please visit the team in Escapism Plymouth, it is worth the trip!

December 2023

RoomSmith's Escape Rooms- Plymouth

The Naked Eye

With a success rate of 35%, we were expecting quite a challenging room, which we had. As mentioned, if we hadn’t of messed about on a coupe of puzzles, we would have had a very good time. Having so little time left meant we really did have to pull it together towards the end and we aren’t really that sure how we got out in time, even the host was impressed! All in all, it was an enjoyable experience and we can’t wait to try the new room coming in 2024.

July 2023

Escapism Plymouth


Escapism continues to be a cracking venue and we are sad to be coming to the end of our games  there. All the rooms are very different and there is something for everyone for every different difficulty level. Radioactive was our favourite room at Escapism and easily in our top 3 rooms we have done to date. Lauren and the team seemed genuinely happy to welcome us back this does go a long way in wanting us to return. Remember, when you book another room there and then, you also get a little bit of discount which is great for returning customers.

Oh and look out for the lizards!!

July 2023

Escapism Plymouth


Breadcrumbs, we believe, is Escapism’s ‘easier’ room focused on families. However, this did not mean it was a walk in the park. As with all the rooms here, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and Escapism is a must visit if you are in the local area. All the rooms are very different and there is something for everyone for every different difficulty level. The owners Lauren and Joe have done a brilliant job in putting this place together and making it a pleasure to visit. Remember, when you book another room there and then, you also get a little bit of discount which is great for returning customers. We are sad that we have completed the rooms that are there, however, we will be back for their seasonal room at Christmas.

March 2023

Escapism Plymouth


The room set up and puzzles made this room really enjoyable for us and we all agreed that this was one of favourites to date. The game didn’t seem that difficult compared to some of the others we have done in past but it really was enjoyable. They have a really good set up and on the time of our visit there were 2 more rooms about to be released to add to the 4 already there. The staff were really friendly and welcoming and we would recommend Escapism to anyone.

March 2023

Escapism Plymouth

The Missing

Escapism is a nice little jewel in Plymouth. We have been really impressed with the two rooms that we have now done, Legacy and Missing. We have enjoyed them so much that we are booked in to try their 2 new rooms in a couple of weeks. The staff are really friendly and the rooms are of high quality. They aren’t the most difficult rooms in the world that we have tried but they are certainly challenging enough that everyone should have a cracking time visiting here. We looking forward to coming back again and again. 

March 2023

Escapism Plymouth


Escapism is a great venue and with a large selection of rooms to chose from, there really is something for everyone. Forge was probably the most challenging room we have done there and almost didn’t escape but yet again, we really did enjoy ourselves. The staff are really friendly and chatty and this all adds into the fact that their rooms are great and must visit if you are in the area. When you book another room there and then, you also get a little bit of discount which is great for returning customers

March 2023

Escapism Plymouth


Escapism has become one of our favourite venues. We have loved the different themes in all their rooms we have done so far. The staff are really friendly and the rooms are of high quality. You can tell that the owners are really enthusiastic about their product and they always stop for a chat even if they are hosting other games. The rooms seem to have a nice array of difficulty for all types of teams. Definitely give them a try!! 


September 2022

Escape Room Torquay

The Riveria Murder Mystery

Although we escaped, we all agreed afterwards that this was comfortably the poorest room we have done. There was simply nothing to reference a murder mystery. There was no mention of a murder in the brief and none of the puzzles had anything to do with the room ‘theme’ we had booked. The ending was underwhelming, even though we knew it was going to be limp and once again, didn’t reveal anything about a murder or a mystery event. The room has only been open for 4/5 months and yet it was so tired and run down. The drawers were falling apart and you could open things that shouldn’t be able to open. We know this review is a little harsh but we are a little bemused to how the room has good reviews? If you are serious about escape rooms, do not visit here unless some serious work has been done to change pretty much everything. We expressed our experience of the game to the game master after the room and she smiled and said she was glad we enjoyed it? In case you are confused after reading this, we really didn’t.

July 2022

Red House Mysteries Torquay

Disappearance of Arthur Moon

We all agreed that we did enjoy this game and obviously escaping always helps. We enjoyed the theme and this the second missing children’s mystery room that we have done and it did not disappoint. We got into the theme straight away and the added twist of the second part of the game made it really interesting and we definitely had to work well together to escape. We have recently learned that Red House is closing in Torquay and this is a huge shame to the local area as both games here were really good fun. If you get the chance to go before it closes, make sure you go!! 

July 2020

Red House Mysteries Torquay

On The Last Train To Paris (Closed)

At the time of reviewing, The Last Train To Paris is easily up in our top 3 games that we have tried. We really enjoyed the theme and the game just flowed for us. The different compartments made it really enjoyable and was something very different from what we have previously done. We made it with about 3 seconds left to spare which I think added to the excitement of the room. Our host was really helpful and approachable and we would definitely come back to do their other room.

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