December 2023

Escapism Plymouth

Santa's List


We always enjoy visiting Escapism and it was great to see them so busy for us to take on their new Christmas room, Santa’s List. Since our last visit, bar stools and tables have been introduced into the waiting area, which is a nice touch so you don’t have to sit on the window ledge anymore. There is a drinks fridge for you to buy and a cabinet for escape room games to buy for home. We were met by one of the owners and were then introduced to our host who ran through everything relatively quickly as we had been numerous times before and gave us our brief of having to find Santa’s list to save Christmas. 

As any festive room should be, there was lights, tress and of course cheesy background music! We all love Christmas and it only took seconds for us to get stuck in and needing to save Christmas. The room design was very good. Nothing complicated or over the top, it was done very well, as are all of the rooms at Escapism. As the game progressed, clever details immersed and there was always something for each of us to do. 

A really good mix of puzzles with searching, logical, decoding, navigation and padlocks were thrown in here and it gave a good mix throughout. As previously mentioned, there was plenty of things to do throughout and as we often do, we broke up into two pairs and we flew through the game without any hints needed. One puzzle did have us scratching our heads for 5-10 minutes but we stopped over complicating it and carried on through.

There is a tv in the main room which shows your time and if you did need any hints, all you have to do is ask and a message would have ben typed up on the screen for us to use. Although we didn’t need any hints in this particular game, previously in other rooms we have done here, the hosts are very good at spotting when you do need a nudge and assist without you really needing to ask for it.

Round Up

The whole team at Escapism are friendly and welcoming and on each of the three occasions we have visited, we have always been greatly with big smiles and ask how we have been. We often share tips on where to try next. The owners have done a brilliant job in creating some very immersive games and we hope there is more on the horizon from them. We have ways said that if we all came out of a room saying how much we enjoyed it and that we all brought something to the table, we would give it 5/5. Santa’s list is obviously a seasonal room and although it isn’t the most challenging, we really did enjoy ourselves and the room was brilliant. Please visit the team in Escapism Plymouth, it is worth the trip!

Team: 4 Players 

Time Escaped: 48:00

Success/Failed: Success

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December 2023

RoomSmith's Escape Rooms- Plymouth

The Naked Eye


We were advised by another local escape room to try out Roomsmiths and it didn’t disappoint. The place is actually quite easy to find, it’s above a car tyre garage, with plenty of parking and you just have to go up a flight of stairs. There doesn’t appear to be any other way of getting upstairs so if mobility is an issue, then you may need to ask before visiting. Joshua met us upstairs and took us to a huge reception area to give us a health and safety brief and to talk through the different locks we would find. We were then led into the room to start the game, without a brief which did feel a little strange?

We started off in an old style office which was modestly decorating but as the game evolved the rooms certainly did as well. It does get quite dark in places and whilst we did get a torch, we were a team of 4 and we struggled a little for light at times. We did though manage to work through this as some of our eyesights are better than others in the group but it’s something to be mindful of. There is music playing throughout and some comical speeches thrown in from time to time. 

There were plenty of padlocks in this game and although we needed a couple of nudges, on the whole, we really enjoyed this game and we flew threw the majority of it. We really cam unstuck around the mid point and we wasted around 15 minutes on one puzzle, if we hadn’t of overcomplicated 2 puzzles in particular, we would have had a much time than 12 seconds to spare! The puzzles flowed nicely and we didn’t have to run around like headless chickens trying every code in every padlock.

There is a generic clock when you walk in with the current time so you can keep a rough eye on your progress. For any hints, Joshua gave us a walkie talkie and was there when we did need him on the couple of occasions. He was very good and on the first time we asked for a nudge, he said no and for us to carry on. We’ve not had this before and we actually quite enjoyed it as we were playing around the correct answer for quite some time and it was nice to see that he was keeping a close eye on us.

Round Up

With a success rate of 35%, we were expecting quite a challenging room, which we had. As mentioned, if we hadn’t of messed about on a coupe of puzzles, we would have had a very good time. Having so little time left meant we really did have to pull it together towards the end and we aren’t really that sure how we got out in time, even the host was impressed! All in all, it was an enjoyable experience and we can’t wait to try the new room coming in 2024.

Team: 4 Players 

Time Escaped: 59:48

Success/Failed: Success

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