October 2023

E-Exit- Budapest

Secret Subway


At the beginning of our second day in Budapest, we moved onto E-Exit where we expected big things, we were not disappointed in the slightest taking on the Secret Subway, which is a 75 minute room. Our host was warm and enthusiastic and we genuinely got the sense that she was passionate about the rooms they offered and was hoary talking to us for a long time bore we actually got going. The reception area was a decent size to sit and fill out relevant paperwork and to have a glass of water before cracking on. 

The first thing to note is that the stairs going down into the room are quite steep and it is a little dark so please be careful when walking down! As soon as you walk into the room, you are fully aware that you are stepping into an inventors hideaway with a steampunk theme throughout. It is dark and dingy but wow is it good?! The room itself is actually quite small and tight and for 4 of us it was a squeeze until we progressed throughout the game and then your mind is blown into the different themes and areas you experience. Out of a team of 4, 2 of us agree that this is the best room we have ever played! 

As previously mentioned, the game does flow into a number if different areas and for that reason, the game is quite linear throughout. There was plenty for all 4 of us to do once we got past the first room. There was a good mixi of random locks and old school hands on puzzles which were really enjoyable. The ending was the only slight damper on the game as a whole, but that’s only because the rest of the game was that good!

We were given a walkie talkie to communicate with the host if we needed. The first room was a little tricky for us as mentioned but once we go past that, we didn’t need any further guidance. 

Round Up

The first room we took on at E-Exit in Budapest and what a start it was! With it being a 75 minute room, you can already imagine that there will be more to do in here that an average escape room and to a degree you are right. However, with the sheer size of the game and the different zones you have to pass through, 75 minutes feels fair. There’s a reason why this room is voted as a Tripadvisor number 1 room!!! If you do only one room in Budapest, it has to be this one.

Team: 4 Players 

Time Escaped: 62:00

Success/Failed: Success

Company Details: 


October 2023

E-Exit- Budapest

Heaven and Hell


The second room we tackled at E-Exit after the highly successful Secret Subway and it was time for us to take on Heaven and Hell. Our host was warm and enthusiastic and we genuinely got the sense that she was passionate about the rooms they offered and was hoary talking to us for a long time bore we actually got going. The reception area was a decent size to sit and fill out relevant paperwork and to have a glass of water before cracking on. 

As you can imagine, the theme was based on being dead and trying to make your way to the light, staying away from the darkness of hell. The set was cleverly designed and a lot was handmade. We would probably say that out of all the rooms we did, this was the least immersive but there was a lot of detail in the room and clearly a lot of effort had gone into it. One thing to note, there are two points in the game that you are required to go into a very tight space. If this isn’t for you then just let the game master know and you can skip past these bits.

No padlocks in this game to mention, predominately mechanical and searching for clues. The atmosphere was quite dark in places which made the puzzles all that more difficult but not impossible. There was plenty to do for all 4 of us and at no point were any of us left stood around a watching. There were some fun elements to the game as well, all in all, quite enjoyable.

We were given a walkie talkie to communicate with the host if we needed, however, in this game we didn’t require any guidance with the room.

Round Up

Despite us still being on a high following the previous room (Secret Subway), despite not being as god aesthetically, we did still enjoy it. It was a different theme than what we have done before and we all did find it quite challenging in places. The room is rated as a 5/5 difficulty, which we feel is a little high but it is still quite challenging. If you are a relatively small experienced team visiting Budapest, give it a go.

Team: 4 Players 

Time Escaped: 48:00

Success/Failed: Success

Company Details: 


October 2023

Locked Room- Budapest



After our first visit oversees escape rooms in 2022 where we visited Krakow, one city kept coming up again and again in our searches for top European destinations for rooms and we settled on Budapest. What a decision it was as well!

We first visited Locked Room to take on Metro. The reception area was large enough for groups to sit and chat whilst waiting for their game and one of the team was very excited with the free hot beverages as well. The staff were extremely friendly and welcoming, asking for our advice on escape rooms back home. 

The room isn’t massive but the set up and effort that had gone into making it feel like an underground metro station was very impressive. It was one of the best immersive rooms we had seen to date. Yes it did look slightly tired in places, but what metro station doesn’t? As the game progressed the room continued to impress and it really did make us feel like we had to mission to solve under pressure. 

As a team of 4, I would say that any more than 4 would struggle in this game due to the linear approach of the games throughout. There were a couple of points where one or two of us were stood watching but this wasn’t for long and we all did manage to chip in even if we weren’t physically hands on. We struggled ever so slightly to get going even though we knew roughly what to do but we can blame the jet lag for the sluggish start  Once we got going however, we went through the puzzles at a decent speed. Towards the end, there’s a nice little twist which caught us off guard and sent the pulses racing to a bit of a frantic finish, but we all enjoyed really enjoyed it.

There is a digital clock on the wall to keep an eye on your time and the only budge we needed, came up on a TV on the wall which was on a loop of news bulletins etc and it notified us with a noise when the hint came up.

Round Up

With this being the first of 5 games we attempted in a couple of days in Budapest, we weren’t too sure what to expect, it is the home of the original escape room! Well, we were very glad we tried Locked as our first point ion call. There are 2 sites in Budapest with a combined total of 14 rooms to choose from. Metro is a very good start to dip your toe in and experience what Budapest bas to offer.

Team: 4 Players 

Time Escaped: 50:00

Success/Failed: Success

Company Details: 


October 2023

Locked Room- Budapest

House of Escobar


After Metro had been ticked off our list, we then took on House of Escobar, which is supposed to be one of Locked more difficult rooms. With Metro ticking a lot of boxes, we were very much looking forward to seeing what this room had own store. The reception area was large enough for groups to sit and chat whilst waiting for their game and one of the team was very excited with the free hot beverages as well. The staff were extremely friendly and welcoming, asking for our advice on escape rooms back home. 

As soon as you walk through the door and start watching your mission brief on the screen in the corner, you are transformed to South America into a set worthy of a TV show. It really was that impressive! The amount of effort that has been put into the decoration, lighting and sound throughout the game was truly staggering and it is right up there in terms of the one of the best we have played.As you move through the game, the immersion continues right until the end puzzle. A massive thumbs up from us.

The game was quite linear with not many padlocks at all. A lot of searching and finding clues and at no real point were any of us stood around doing nothing, we did have to split up a lot and rely on good communication to different parts of the game sections to be able to progress. We really enjoyed this aspect of the game and it certainly broke up the ‘normal’ mundane padlocks that you can find in some rooms.

We didn’t actually need any help with this room. We got to grips with it pretty easily but the TV screen but the entrance door was there with a timer in case the host needed to get hold of us.

Round Up

With this being our second room completed with Locked in Budapest, it is clear to see why the city is voted as one of the best in the world for escape room games. The amount of detail put into this room and also our previous room (Metro) was extremely impressive. You can tell that the staff care abut what they door and are willing you on throughout your stay with them. Escobar was on paper one of their more difficult rooms but we thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend. 

Team: 4 Players 

Time Escaped: 53:00

Success/Failed: Success

Company Details: 


October 2023

Locked Room- Budapest

Bunker Heist


We ventured back to Locked for our 5th and final game in Budapest and I wish I could say that we saved the best till last but unfortunately it was probably the worst room we did on our trip. The reception area was large enough for groups to sit and chat whilst waiting for their game and one of the team was very excited with the free hot beverages as well. The staff were extremely friendly and welcoming, asking for our advice on escape rooms back home.

We entered a small corridor set inside a futuristic bunker for our brief on the security TV. It was quite a simple concept and as the game progressed it did open out into a submarine based bunker with a lot of technical elements and a lot of clever decoration. As experienced with every other room we encountered in Budapest, it was really well designed and a lot of thought had gone into the flow of the room and the concept. It was very immersive even though we really did struggle with the game.

No padlocks in this game, a lot of puzzle solving with hidden codes was the main concept of Bunker. The game wasn’t that linear, however, with a team of 4 of us there wasn’t that much for all of us to do. A lot of time one of us was stood around twiddling our thumbs whilst the others attempted to crack on. For some reason we just didn’t click with this room and we asked for a number of clues to get us through it. This room is certainly for the more experienced groups than novices. 

There was the TV screen at the beginning of the game in the corridor which had a timer on it and where the hints would be shown each time we asked. The game master, we found, wasn’t that helpful in giving us a nudge when we were struggling and appeared to leave it until we asked when we ran out of steam before giving us a clue. This just frustrated us even further as we couldn’t get a flow of the game and it was very stop start.

Round Up

For whatever reason, this room just didn’t fit with us as a team. You can tell a lot of effort had been put into the design and the puzzles and this shouldn’t be taken away from the room, even though it just wasn’t for us. Whether doing 5 rooms in 2 days had taken it out of us or not, we don’t know. We felt as if we has to ask for a lot of clues, probably the most we’ve had to ask for in all of the 40 odd rooms we have done and for this reason it was really stop start. Locked do some very good rooms and this may well be one of them for others giving it a go but you might struggle if you aren’t used to escape rooms.

Team: 4 Players 

Time Escaped: 58:00

Success/Failed: Success

Company Details: 


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